Employee Benefit Insurance Services

Sound financial planning and asset management are proven strategies for protecting your Personal or Business financial future. Planning ahead for these needs is the key to a successful financial future for your family or your business environment.
Regardless of your need, HARCO has the professional staff to assist you.
Regardless of your need, HARCO has the professional staff to assist you.
HARCO offers the following major Personal Financial Products for your protection:
- Individual / family healthcare
- Health savings account
- Individual term life
- Permanent life
- IRA (Individual Retirement Account) / Annuities
- Tax shelter plans
- Mortgage life protection
- Long-term care
- Disability income coverage
- Travel accident / vacation trip accident
- And, other products that may be specifically recommended.
HARCO offers the following major Business Financial products for your protection:
- Group medical / healthcare plans
- Health savings account plans
- Group life
- Dental / vision benefits plan
- 401 (k) plans
- Group long-term care
- Disability income voverage (long term / short term)
- Buy-Sell agreement funding
- Key person insurance
- Travel accident – 24Hr protection business/personal
- Occupational accident – medical / liability
- Professional employee organization (PEO) program
- And, other products that may be specifically recommended.